Oops, I accidentally swapped some pictures in the figure above, and made the text of my previous post #2721 confusing. I’m very sorry for that.
The figure above is OK now, and the corrected problem description is:
If I apply the brainshift correction, I usually (in most patients) get electrodes missing the STN (fig. B), while when omitting the brainshift correction, the electrodes go through STN, as expected (A). The weird thing is that the brainshift correction seems to make sense for this patient (C, green arrows), so it is not clear why the correction moved the electrodes away from the STN. Perhaps there is a problem with the MRI normalization? Apparently, the post-operative MRI is not aligned with the MNI template well enough (E), while the pre-operative is (D).
What would be the recommended way of dealing with this problem? Shall I perform another MRI normalization? Shall I omit the brainshift correction? (Of course, I would like to have the position of my electrodes reconstructed as accurate as possible, so I would like to perform the correction.)
Thanks, Tomas