Hi Ramin,
I fear trying to show the whole connectome in Lead-DBS is not so easy – Matlab is not really built for this and in any case Lead-DBS isn’t at the moment.. However, just to have a good look at the whole fibers I recommend to use trackvis (www.trackvis.org). There is a file called FTR.trk inside your patient’s folder which you can load in trackvis to show fibers.
Within Lead-DBS, the way to go would be to visualize only the fibers traversing through a volume of activated tissue.
This video walkthrough goes through the whole process:
Just instead of selecting a group connectome in the convis viewer in the end, select “Patient specific fiber tracts”.
I hope this all works..
Finally, you can also do stats on fibertracts connecting your VTA with other areas in the brain. I.e. find out whether differences in connectivity code for clinical outcome or similar. You can do some of that stuff directly using lead group – which is, to be honest, very unintuitive.. Sorry about that.. trying to improve everything but lack the time and manpower for now..
Best, Andy