Hi Martijn,
again, to do so, you’d need to load up a blank folder which has only the ea_reconstruction.mat file and run the visualization step.
It surely also makes sense to have some experience with the usual Lead-DBS workflow (e.g. localize one patient in Lead-DBS completely and get acquainted with the methods).
Moreover, we optimized normalizations and coregistrations, as well as brainshift correction highly during the last three years and new results (still unpublished) indicate that the choice of normalization method (or ANTs preset, etc) does matter drastically for DBS. So I can only recommend to use the Lead-DBS defaults over other methods (like FNIRT, DARTEL or a custom ANTs preset or similar, best in a multispectral way, i.e. feeding T1 and T2 in at least) for best results. But of course totally understand if you prefer to use your own preprocessing methods (in that case just put the ea_reconstruction file into a blank folder and select that one).
Best, Andy