Forum Replies Created
Nik Haliasos
Participantthank you for the suggestion,
For any Windows users, i went to C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\bin and changed the security permissions for Users to “Allow Full Control” and it works now
Nik Haliasos
ParticipantNow it is working fine – much appreciated
Nik Haliasos
ParticipantThank for the immediate help with hotfix. The process went a little bit further but then gave the following error:
Running job #1
Running ‘3D to 4D File Conversion’
Done ‘3D to 4D File Conversion’
Reference to non-existent field ‘volnum’.Error in ea_newseg (line 34)
tpmnum = tpmHdr.volnum;Error in ea_newseg_pt (line 12)
ea_newseg(directory,presentfiles,dartel,options,del,force)Error in ea_normalize_spmshoot (line 66)
ea_newseg_pt(options,1,1);Error in ea_autocoord (line 154)
eval([options.normalize.method,'(options)’]); % triggers the normalization function and passes the
options struct to it.Error in ea_run (line 96)
ea_autocoord(options);Error in lead_dbs>run_button_Callback (line 187)
ea_run(‘run’,options);Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
feval(varargin{:});Error in lead_dbs (line 43)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)lead_dbs(‘run_button_Callback’,hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating UIControl CallbackNik Haliasos
Participantthank you for your time ..even on a saturday
I am using postop MRI for the momentwill go onto the Slack channel to send some pics if needed
Nik Haliasos
ParticipantI did some progress – tried another combination of coregistration and normalization methods and it seems to be working although the registration result is not so great – is there any way to manually correct the registration?
Another issue that came up afterwards is that the pre-recon of the electrodes i cannot get it to work either in the automatic or manual way. I tried focusing on the manual process, the red square and crosshair come up but the slice shown inside this popup windows is the lower postop slice where it does not contain the electrode so matlab afterwards goes into an endless loop of “lowering inital factor to -xxxxxx” and never finds it – i had to Ctrl+C after 1min